Well, I guess I really should get back into trying to blog a
little more. As you can see, it’s been a long while since I last blogged.
And today is pretty much going to be a free formed rant.
Because there is a lot that has happened since my last blog, and well, a free
flow is the form that best suits a catch up.
Enough of the royal family. I don’t care about them at all,
and never will. There really is no reason for us to actually waste valuable
time in the press with the coverage of the birth of their child. Murders,
rapes, corporate greed, crooked politicians, all of that is better coverage
than the birth of the Royal Spawn. Even the soft story of a child beating
cancer would be better. We’ve had an
entire state prove they are inept when it comes to prosecuting anyone (more on
that later), an entire city go bankrupt,
a whistle-blower get railroaded into leaving the country, and another one who’s
stay in jail has been something from the dark ages. But no, let’s waste time
reporting on the child of a royal couple from a country we rebelled against
nearly 340 years ago. I’m sure right now
that john Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, and every one of the drafters of
the Constitution must be doing the preverbal rolling in the grave. And if people in this country wanted to know why
the rest of the free world considers our media a joke, well, you know why now.
Let’s take a quick examination of Edward Snowden. I’m really
tired of everyone calling for him to be deported back to the states, and stand
trial, and so forth. Personally, I hope he’s never brought back to the states,
and he lives the rest of his days a free man. Neither he nor Bradley Manning
did anything wrong, other than serve as an unofficial watch of the
watchers. After all, isn’t that what you
people want in the first place, someone overseeing the government? And by the way, why isn’t anyone calling for
Dick Cheney, the former Vice President, to be arrested and tried for leaking
government secrets. This is the man, who
while in the White House, leaked the name of a CIA operative in the field, all
over a feud he was having with her husband. Didn’t he put the life of the CIA agent
in danger, thus possibly putting the lives of Americans stateside in danger?
Don’t see the press hounding him. I don’t see any of the mindless drones on CNN
or GOP asskissers on Fox News calling for his arrest. Aren’t these the same
folks who’ve said that anyone who leaks top secret information should be
prosecuted? And makes Dick Cheney so
special that he gets a free pass? As far as I’m concerned, nothing makes him
special. If you’re going to hound Snowden, and toss Manning into a rat hole
prison cell, you really should make Dick Cheney his neighbor. We need a little consistency
here, folks.
As for Florida, Stand your Ground, George Zimmerman, and
Trayvon Martin. First off, Zimmerman had
zero business getting out and following the kid around, when he could have
easily remained in his car and watched him that way. Besides, wouldn’t a normal
person have simply asked for the cops to show up and informed them of his
concerns. After all, it’s not like Trayvon came up running to Zimmerman’s car
screaming “I’m going to kill you!”. I
don’t get how Zimmerman could have felt threatened in a situation he put
himself in. How can you follow someone, have said person turn around, and use “Stand
your ground.” Have you not impeded on someone else’s ground? Why wasn’t this
mentioned in the trial. Now, let’s take
a look at the state of Florida, which has the most inept team of prosecutors in
the entire country. They screwed the pooch on the Casey Anthony case by putting
their faith into a DNA abstracting process that has not, and may never be,
embraced by the scientific community. Not to mention that her father also had
some issues with serious emotional detachment that may have had an effect on
Casey’s overall reactions after the death of her child.
They lawyer in the Casey Anthony case seemed less interested
in trying to prove her guilt, and more interested in auditioning for MSNBC,
CNN, or Fox as a legal analyst. As for Trayvon Martin, the prosecution’s
witnesses were poorly prepped, seemed utterly clueless, and ended up being
saviors for the defense. I really have to wonder how these attorneys in Florida
could be so inept at their jobs, yet hold positions of high importance. Maybe it’s time we had an examination of those
in Florida charged with handling these high profile trials. Maybe Florida
seriously the entire office, and replace them with better quality attorneys.
And let me close with the following. While I will admit that
I enjoy Ted Nugent’s music, and he’s a great guitar player, top 20 caliber, but
as a human, he’s pretty terrible. He’s tried to deflect the blame to Trayvon,
and has been running his mouth to anyone willing to give this glory seeking
washed up rock star a vehicle to spout out his nonsense. Ted, who crapped his pants and faked insanity
when he was called to serve his country in war, and openly admitted that he
adopted a 15 year old girl to use as his sexual tool while touring in 1977,
tries to come off as a badass hunter. He’s a running joke, a utter jackass, and
pretty much, a jerk off. And while I admit that he’ll never see this blog
(though I really, really hope he does), and I’m not saying anything in print
that I wouldn’t in a face to face meeting. I don’t shield my beliefs in order
to appease anyone, that’s not my style.
And that should be clear in my upcoming blogs, which I hope
to do at least once a week.