Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If I were president

hey everyone, were just a few hours away from the presidential debate, and I thinking to myself, what if I, your humble blogger, were to sit in the oval office. I wonder, what might I try and get passed into law....hmmm.

For one, Gay marriage would be legal. Listen kiddies, I'm going to let you in on a secret. Republicans aren't trying to keep gay people from getting married for any moral reason, or because that hocus pocus bible tells them to. Nope, it's all about taxes!. Yes you heard that correctly, its all about taxes. You see, if you get married to your significant other, there are tax breaks you get upon their death. By not recognizing gay marriage, gays who marry don't get this benefit, and they actually have to pay money that straights don't have to.

Here is how it works. A couple gets married, and are married for say, 25 years. then one of the people dies. If they are a straight couple, the property transfers tax free. However, if they are a gay couple, the surviving spouse doesn't get that tax break! That's why DOMA exist, it's a tax grab folks. I'll end that tax grab by legalizing gay marriage!

Pot will be legal. Hell since we already of the tax supported compassionate IND program, that allows the patients that were enrolled (enrollment stopped in 1992) government grown pot. The marijuana is grown on the campus of the university of Mississippi, and the cultivated, and prescribed out to those still alive in the program. Medical marijuana eases wasting, something that AIDS and chemo patients generally suffer from. I've written two papers on medical marijuana, as well as given a speech on the subject. And once I get a PDF program, I'll email anyone who wants a copy of my work, so you can see all of the research that I've put into the subject.

States must make Education funding a predesignated part of state spending. There's a reason we are falling behind every other industrialized country...because they have fully funded education, unlike us! If these folks trying to pass state budgets need to cut something, they can cut their paychecks.

Another change is coming..we're switching to the metric system! That's right kiddies, time to learn new math.

Hey, I never did well in math, it was my least favorite subject, but here's a little bit of news for everyone. There is a reason we don't export as much. Because our measuring system clashes with....everyone of our trading partners! Here's an amazing idea. Switch to the math system the rest of the free world uses, and guess what, we might actually be able to export more!

Jobs....a high on my list. Listen, we have to understand that some jobs have gone away, and they aren't coming back...unless you live in Oregon, were things like self serve gas stations, and self check out lines are illegal because the state has a jobs first mentality. we strengthen education, create whole new fields of industry, spur job growth, which boost the economy, which deducts the deficit, gives a surplus, and balances the friggin budget.

And that's just my first term. Hey, if I could those items off in term one, you know I'd get a second term. The other party might be reduced to drastic nonsense to say about me. Maybe they might lie and say I wasn't born in this country or  something.

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