Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post election thoughts

Guess everyone, you survived it. That’s right, you survived not a Zombie apocalypse, you survived that the 2012 election campaign. Are you feeling a little better right now? Besides, it’s it good to know that those political vote for me ads are now replaced by countless advertisements for shit you don’t need, and pretty much, shit you don’t want in the first place. Yes, everything is back in order!
It’s funny to see the Donald Trumps and Ted Nugents of the world lose their collective minds. Ted Nugent sent out tweets to his followers that contained as many grammatical errors of that of a teenage girl texting, and Donnie “Small Potatoes” Trump, well, he’s just gone stark raving mad. It got to the point that his handlers actually had to get Donnie to retract some of his tweets. I tweeted Donnie boy back, and asked him such hard hitting questions like “Don’t you have another business to run into the ground?” I didn’t get any tweets back, nor did I expect any, mainly because Donnie doesn’t have any balls. He lost those to Ivana as part of the divorce settlement years ago. And Ted Nugent, what about him? I think he’s gotten a hold of some tainted meat that has driven him insane. Either that or he’s been lying all these years about being drug free and secretly does whatever drugs Keith Richards drops out of his jacket.
Donald Trump complained about the Electoral College in which Obama won. Trump cried that “Romney won the popular vote, and we need to get rid of the Electoral College vote.” Yeah, you didn’t hear Trump say that when Bush lost the popular vote, but got in on the Electoral College. Remember folks, to conservatives like Trump, rules are only good when they work out in their favor. Once the rules don’t favor them, they cry that the rule needs to go. Remember when they actually tried to get rid of filibusters? In 2009, they all over a sudden wanted them back.
But it’s not just a washed up has been like Ted Nugent (face it Ted, you haven’t been an important part of music since Tommy Shaw and Jack Blades carried your ass as a member of the Damn Yankees), or egomaniacs like Donnie boy Trump that utterly lost it, and melted down for the whole world to see. Some big names in the GOP are going insane as well.
Did anyone else see Karl Rove’s meltdown on Fox News? It was too the point he kept refuting everything that showed the election was going Obama’s way, to the point that Rove took over as director, and pretty much pushed a Fox News anchor to ask one of their analyst if he still felt Obama was going to win (see Rove demands he changes his mind) Rove was defiant to the very end, even after the AP, Reuters, CNN, Current, Fox News, and even Mitt Romney called the election for President Obama.  It was funny to watch Mr. Crossroads crumble under the knowledge that Americans were rejecting the far right Tea Party members the GOP hitched their wagon too. It was an idea that proved near fatal for the party.  For all the money that the GOP superpacs spent, they got very little for it. Kind of how the Oakland Raiders felt after drafted JaMarcus Russell, and giving him all that money to be the worst quarterback in NFL history.
We had Colorado legalize marijuana! Yes, about freaking time. Now the state will spent less on prisons because they will no longer clog it up with people enjoying a harmless herb. By the way, I’m fully in favor of marijuana being legalized for medical purposes. I have written two papers, and even given a speech on the benefits of the drug.
And major congrats to Tammy Baldwin, the first openly lesbian woman to be elected to the senate from the state of Wisconsin. That’s progress. And it’s about damn time. She easily defeated Tommy Thompson, and showed that maybe we’re actually going to be turning the page. Now if only someone could be “openly gay” without the title attached to them.
Now a poplar trend was of the “tea Party” republicans getting voted off the island, mainly because the people that elected them saw what the rest of the country warned them about…these folks were freaking crazy. I mean some of these wanted to turn the clock back to the 1910’s. Todd Akin, Dick Murdock, whose views on rape were so extreme that anyone with common decency knew that in no shape or form could these smucks be allowed in any seat of power. Take New York’s Ann Marie Buerkle, whose goal was to keep the country from extending the debt ceiling. An elected leader actually said that her goal was to destroy the credit rating of the US. Really quick for my loyal readers, the debt ceiling allows the country to sell off bonds in order to pay certain debts. It was put into place in 1918. We don’t raise the debt ceiling, we don’t pay off debts, and our credit rating goes to pot. Think of it this way. You sell your Harry Potter books on eBay in order to raise a little cash to pay your credit card bill.
John Boehner, who sanely seems to have realized that voters aren’t stupid, they see that the GOP is trying to handicap President Obama every steps of the way, fighting any and all improvements, said that the GOP “Needs to challenge themselves to find the common ground” As opposed to Lipless Mitch McConnell, who seems to think accepting any idea of President Obama’s to paramount to treason. Mitch has much lip as he does smarts.
So, we’ve made it past another election, and time will tell how everything shapes up.  I can only hope that the GOP puts aside their petty childishness, and decides to work with the president. In all seriousness, the people have spoken, and the message is clear. Cut the crap GOP. The party needs to stop hating on women and Hispanics. That will happen once the Cubs win the World Series.
Okay, that is going to close out this blog. I welcome everyone to leave a comment on this page.

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