Friday, November 1, 2013 and Education vs Military Spending

Welcome everyone to the newest installment of Randall’s rant. This week is going to be two main topics that I want to touch on. In this week’s edition, we are going to look at the issues with website, and how the US would benefit from less spending on defense, and more spending on education.

We are going to start off with the healthcare website fiasco. Got to give the GOP credit for this one, they actually have a section of voters convinced that websites never have tech issues. Granted, many of these people are most likely over the age of 75, and maybe another portion of them live off the grid. You know, they kind of people you see on those reality shows about people who are survivalist, The ones that live where the power lines don’t exactly reach. Now, most of us are aware that websites have glitches. Look at Facebook for example, which seems to have weekly, if not daily glitches. However, the GOP has managed to convince through fear that the new Affordable Healthcare Act website doesn’t work, don’t bother logging on, you’re just going to get booted, and so on. And that is what they’ve rolled out each and every night, well, not when they are digging up Benghazi every five minutes.

Now, I could join the whole conspiracy crowd, and mention on how Verizon, which host the site, is a major contributor to GOP campaigns, but I won’t. Fact is that websites are like roads. A road can only handle so much traffic before other vehicles aren’t going to be able to get on. And so many people wanted to sign up that it caused issues with the website that caused it to crash. The other notion that has been ignored by media on both signs of the coin is the one of systems. It could be that some people have an outdated browser program, or lack the proper Java updates to be able to log on to the website.  This was an issue we had at the Attorney General’s office until we were able to get newer computers that were compatible with the newer browsers.  Updated browsers, and all of those issues with crashes and whatnot went away. To expect millions of people to log on to a website without the site having issues is foolhardy.


Congrats to the federal appeals court that stepped in and informed the state of Texas that the abortion law they were trying to ramrod through was highly unconstitutional. It still find it amusing that the people who want government out of their lives, don’t mind if that said  same government sets up shop in a woman’s uterus. The way the GOP is trying to take over a woman’s reproductive rights reminds me a rather fitting quote from former President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was staunchly giving women the right to vote, once saying “I doubt highly the intelligence of a woman to decide on such matters of government. Giving them the ability to vote will only burden them to make decisions they are not properly informed on.” I cannot figure out why conservatives are so worried about a fetus. It’s not like they care about it once it becomes a born child. Food stamps, money spent on education, funds for the free breakfast in the poorest of districts, are always the first thing that they want to cut funding from. They call these  programs entitlements, and they use fear to get the funding cut. But hey, go after some of the waste that goes to defense spending, and all of a sudden, they are like Amanda Bynes after you empty her liquor closet. The go insane, they pout, say that we’re leaving this country to be over taken. Which is far from the truth, because we spent in one month more on defense than some nations gross in an entire calendar year.  Technology cannot be changing that quickly that the billions we spent the year before all of a sudden went to outdated weapons. However, defense spending has become a business more than anything else.  Companies like Lockheed-Martin bid to build fighter Jets, and they in turn, contribute large sums of PAC money to whatever elected leader helped insure that more money went to defense spending. So of course they are going to flip out when someone suggest cutting defense spending. Ronald Reagan in his 8 years never once cut defense spending. He cut education spending, he cut funding for health care agencies like the CDC, but never once did he ever cut defense spending.  In the 1980’s, it was becoming quite clear that the USSR was about to collapse because they were being outspent on defense. But what the American people were fed was the line that Russia was stocking all of these arms and could attack us at any moment, which 30 years later we’ve learned wasn’t really true. Who are we trying to outspend now, North Korea?  Who is are next opponent?

We don’t need to spend all of this money on fighter jets. Let’s spend a little more on education, let’s catch up to the other nations in intelligence first. The reason that all of these other nations are able to “develop” nuclear warheads is because they stress education, with an emphasis on math. In the states, you’re lucky if you can find someone who can figure the answer to 5 x 5.  That’s how some of these nations to use the words of Republicans “Have passed us in military power.” They didn’t create newer fighter jets, they just used the resources of the heavy funding of education to get to achieving the weapons they have now.

I’ll make it clear that I view any cuts to education as a damaging blow to the nation, and anyone who even suggest cutting education does not have the best interest of the nation at heart. Besides, imagine the amount of money who could save if we could just force some of these elected leaders to take a pay cut.

Okay, that is going to do it for this weeks’ edition of Randall’s  Rants.

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