There is a wrestler in the WWE named “Bad News”
Barrett. His gimmick involves taking the microphone and saying something like “I
know you’ve all come here to see me lose, but I’ve got some Bad News for you.”
Well, that’s pretty much summing up today’s blog. Gun owners, I’ve got some bad
news for you….you’ve all been had.
The gun companies have played you. The NRA has
played you. And the Republican Party has really played you. They played on your
passion, and they played on your fears. They’ve used you for their own agenda.
Gun owners, you got had.
This came to me one night, when I thought to myself,
you never used to see gun stores advertise on TV. And now you do. The NRA,
along with the GOP and their public relations outlet, Fox News, have stirred up
such fear that President Obama is going to take away your guns, that you’ve
given your hard earned money willing to stop it.
Well, President Obama doesn’t have to power to just
outlaw guns. He never could just “take away your right to have a gun.” Because exactly three-hundred and
thirty-eight years ago, a little document was written called the US
Constitution. The second Amendment assures the right to have a gun, but it is
still debatable if it assures the right of every non-militia member to own a
gun. That being said, I’m going to open the wizards curtain, and tell all of me
gun owning, Second Amendment protecting friends how they’ve gotten played.
Let’s first take a quick look at the NRA. It was started
in 1871 by two former civil war veterans who felt that the average farmer
couldn’t shoot as well as a well-trained militia man or guerilla. The NRA’s goal
was “Firearms safety, Marksmanship Training, and Shooting for recreation.”
Thanks to the NRA’s first president, a rather famous man named Ambrose
Burnside, the NRA even worked with the military to get second hand guns, as
well as training in use of the weapon.
The goal of the NRA had nothing to do with defending your home, but to
defend your home land. They wanted
citizens to be trained to assist in repelling acts of rebellion, like the one
committed by Daniel Shay. Despite what some ill-informed tea party members have
said, the second amendment has nothing to do with staging a full on insurrection. Then came the 1920, when the NRA became very
active in authoring gun control laws. I’ll give you a second to re-read that
statement. The NRA once was at the fore front of writing gun control laws.
There was concern for these laws, especially in New York, which nearly saw its
mayor assassinated.
The NRA even helped President Roosevelt draft the
gun control laws that were a part of the “New Deal.” Then NRA president Karl Frederick praised the
law, citing that gun ownership should only occur with a valid license. When
President Kennedy was assassinated, the NRA called for a ban on mail order gun
sales. However, a split would soon occur
within the NRA. Gun owners felted singled out, rural cities and states felt they
were being punished, and race was an issue. One of the biggest groups calling
for an extension of gun owners’ right was…the Black Panther Party. Once again,
take a second and re-read that.
So this all de-evolved into the mess that we have
today, with the NRA now fighting pretty much all gun control laws. Which brings
us to my opening statement; on how all of you second amendment supporting gun
owners have been had. You’ve been told to get your guns before President Obama
takes them away, which once again, he doesn’t have the power to. You know,
there are those people in the Senate and Congress that would have to draft such
a bill, and we know it would never survive to reach President Obama’s desk, not
to mention it would be a constitutional nightmare if he were to sign such a
The gun companies right now are making massive
profits, as are the companies that make the ammo. They have the cash to spread
around, buy the representation they know will bow to their wishes, and like a
puppet on a string, these newly purchased elected officials spread the
propaganda that they’ve been told to spread. They’ve preyed on your fears, and
they’ve laughed all the way to the bank. The NRA has used you. Gun rights
groups have used you, and your elected officials have used you.
So, before
reading this, how many of you knew that the NRA was more concerned on making
sure people were properly trained with guns, and that criminal elements could
not legally purchase a gun? How many of you knew that many of the current laws
in place, such as waiting periods, were actually authored by the NRA?
Sounds a lot different than what exist right now,
doesn’t it? Listen; let’s be clear, I’m not calling for the end of the Second
Amendment. I’m just calling for a little common sense, and for the NRA to go
back to its original purpose: the proper training of people to use guns, and to
act as an expert to the congress when it comes to drafting gun laws. But I know
that’s not going to happen.
So maybe some of you can re-think if the NRA is
really here to help you, or to further their own agenda, which has changed
since Harlon Carter helped corrupt the group (by the way, google the named
Harlon Carter). Though Carter was dismissed in 1978 from the group, he was one
of the first to call for a repeal of every gun law.
But I digress. I hope this has been educational,
especially the part regarding the NRA. And I hope your eyes have been opened to
how the gun industry on a whole has used your fears to take money from your
pockets. You’ve been played, my friends. Maybe it’s time that the level headed,
defend the home, teach about proper use of guns, sensible gun control law
members of the NRA to stage a coupe , and get rid of the extremist that have no
issues with guns being used to settle debates.
Time is running out for you to act. That is all.
We're well aware of the history of the NRA. It's all moot. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Period. We've compromised for decades upon decades, and all we've gotten for thise compromises are incessant demands for more compromises. The empty promises made to gain those concessions never materialized. We found, to our dismay, that interfering with the balance the Founders built into the Second Amendment costs lives, it doesn't save them. We got gypped. So now we're UNcompromising, we are taking our rights back, and there's nothing you can do about it.
ReplyDeleteTime? We've got all the time in the world.
No you haven't compromised, because there hasn't been anything or you to compromise one. The only true gun ban that has been instituted over the last 30 years has been on toy weapons that look too real.
ReplyDeleteThe founders never said anything about John Q. Public having guns without restrictions of any kind. Defense of boarders was something that was going to left up to the states themselves, through militias. It was the supreme court that said the second amendment extended to the non militia joining public.
You, and every other gun owner have been played by the gun companies and gun shops because of the rhetoric that has been created, (including sensationalized news articles) to make you think that President Obama is just going to outlaws gun ownership all together (something that the checks and balances do not give him the power to do)
I thank you for your feedback on my blog. I look forward to hearing from you again..