Saturday, January 2, 2021

Trump's war against Democracy


Somewhere, Aaron Burr, who was Thomas Jefferson’s Vice President, is smiling. If he could be here, he’d gaze upon the likes of Ted Cruz and he’d be proud. And that in itself is not something one should be braggadocios about. Aaron Burr slayed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, though dueling by 1804. Burr had been dropped by Thomas Jefferson on the ticket, so he opted to run for governor of New York. He lost to his opponent; an obscure candidate named Morgan Lewis. Burr claimed that his political rivals had staged an attempt to rig the election so the lesser-known Lewis would win. This led to an exchange of words between Hamilton and Burr, which led to the duel, which led to Burr Killing Hamilton, who missed shooting Burr on purpose. Burr himself would later stage a coupe against the United States, thought he’d be found not guilty, and he’d then flee the United States.

Which brings us to 2020. After losing the election, Donald Trump fulfilled a promise he had in 2015 when he was running against Hillary Clinton. That if he lost, it was because the election was rigged and he’d do whatever he could to delay the transfer of power. Trump was elected and proceeded to destroy America’s relationship with our allies, some of which stretched all the way back to when we were just coming out of British rule. Trump sided with Russian president Putin at every turn almost, even butting heads with the U.S. Intelligence Community when it was learned Russia was attempting a disinformation strategy to turn the 2020 election in favor of Trump.

Many Americans, tired to the dissention and racial divide Trump seemed almost orgasmic to see he created, elected Joe Biden. Trump instantly claimed fraud, despite there being zero evidence. Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Nothing to show any malfeasance regarding the election. Donald Trump lost. Instead of being a gracious loser, he’s instead turned his attention on doing what he can to remain in power, which includes convincing Republicans like Ted Cruz to demand the electors not seat Mr. Biden as president, and instead, declare the election null and void in a sense.

Let’s be clear, this is a war, declared by Trump, with his minions like Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn and Tommy Tuberville happily doing his bidding. It’s a war on democracy by a man who views himself as a czar. With Cruz and his cohorts willing to hold democracy hostage in order to ensure that Trump remains in power. Despite re-counts and investigations that have shown there was no widespread voter fraud, Trump and his band of devoted followers insist there was.

Trump in his last days in power is doing what he can to sow the seeds of distrust in the democratic process. In his last days in office, he’s doing more damage to the country than any terror cell overseas could even dream of doing. He’s attempting to tear the country asunder, and he’s using the myth of a rigged election to do it.

America has been through a lot, but this is a first. A sitting president who declared war on democracy simply because he lost the vote. He saddled himself with conspiracy fanatics like Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani. He’s driven a wedge between people in this country that will be very hard to fix.

Then again, this is what despots do to remain in power. He’s taking a page out of the playbook of men like Fidel Castro. We are at a very dangerous juncture in this country, make no mistake about it. Joe Biden won the election fait and square. Trump’s attempts to subvert the election process laid forth by the founding fathers cannot succeed. Or the America you once knew would be relegated to the dust bin of history, and a brand new, unrecognizable country would be it its place.

I don’t think it can be explained any more bluntly than that.

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