Thursday, January 6, 2022

Looking back at January 6th 2021

 For some bizarre reason, I had the chorus to a song stuck in my head. The song is called "Can't Happen Here" by Rainbow. And that song played in my mind at this time last year. I couldn't fathom that what I was witnessing was happening in America. This was something you'd expect to see overseas, or at the least, in a nation with an unstable, yet corrupt central government. This couldn't be happening here, not in America. We are the beacon of stable democracy. We've proved that the voice of the people is what works. It's a system like ours that students in China risk their lives for protesting in the streets. No way could democracy be under assault here after a duly held election.

Only it was happening here. For well over a year, Donald Trump had groomed his supporters. He constantly fed them lies, such as he was the world's most popular leader.  There was no way he could lose the election. And if he did lose, there was only one clear reason: the other side cheated. Trump would repeat this chorus at every campaign stop he made. He'd gave vague descriptions of his plans for the next four years. He'd exclaim that he had the most beautiful health care plan ever. That no one in the history of mankind had even conceived of a plan so wonderful until he came along. He'd never explain what made the plan so great, he just filled his audience with pointless buzzwords and empty rhetoric. Through pure showmanship, Trump would get them to applaud and then bask in the devout loyalty they pledged to him. It was almost as if he cast himself as a messiah and not a president. His rallies began to feel more like a cult meeting than a political rally. And the frightening devotion his followers gave him was more than enough to send a chill down one's spine.

Trump did lose the election.  To use his own words, he lost bigly. Because while his followers were willing to blindly adhere to anything he said, others saw through the smoke and mirrors. They saw a president that had abandoned our allies, and was getting cozy with cruel despots, men that had no qualms about murder as a way to maintain control. They saw that America was taking a dangerous turn towards the dark side. Trump failed badly handling a pandemic like COVID and when a young woman was murdered at a protest by a racist, Trump, instead of doing the commonsense thing, went in another direction. Having the gull to blame both sides for what happened, and in turn, he blamed Heather Heyer for engaging in a peaceful protest that got her killed.

Flash forward to January 6th, 2021. Trump, unaccustomed to losing, had lost out of his power. That day he staged a rally, surrounded by like-minded individuals seeking to push the big lie about the election. He even vowed to stand by them as they fought to help him regain power. Inspired by his words, his troops marched on Washington D.C. Inspired by the Big Lie, they stormed the capitol, assaulted police officers and breached the building. So tragic to see a crowd that once claimed to "Back The Blue" was now assaulting officers with devilish glee, ripping at the weapons, in hopes of arming themselves. In many cases, turning the military grade gear they wore to the rally against the officers. Some of the officers were beaten with their own night sticks. One nearly lost an eye when a Trump supporter tried to tear it out. One brave officer risked his life standing in front of the mob, knowing that if the crowd got past him, chaos would ensue. 

Members of congress were driven into hiding. Many texted their families, as they prepared themselves for the notion the text would be their last communication with their loved ones. Trump's supporters walked through the halls with a noose, demanding that Vice President Mike Pence be handed over to them so they could execute him without a trial. Trump had fed his throng the lie that Mike Pence had the power to toss out the electors and reverse the results of the election. And when Pence failed to do something, he never had the power to do, he became the enemy.  

The insurgents looked at what they had done, and they beamed with pride. They took to social media to livestream their crimes. Many stole items, took selfies, and rifled through sensitive documents. And as all of this raged on, Trump was nowhere to be seen. Despite pleas from friendly news media outlets and even his own son, Trump remained silent, essentially playing the role of Nero. Trump fiddled while America burned. When he finally did make a statement, it was pointless. He urged people to go home, and in the same breath and in coded fashion, he praised them for what they had done. He told each and every person that stormed the capitol, assaulted police officers and even demanded to hang his vice president that he loved them.

In the year since, conservative media outlets like Fox News and Newsmax have made it their mission to re-write history, demanding that people not believed their so-called lying eyes. Taking a page out of Trump's playbook, they echoed that they and they alone were the keepers of the truth and that no Trump supporter stormed the capitol, it was all staged by the democrats and ANTIFA. Though anyone with commonsense knows that is a lie, they sold that bill of goods to Trump's loyal followers, many of whom cast Trump as the modern-day messiah. 

Not since Aaron Burr attempted to overthrown the U.S. government had there been an attempted coupe on this level. Not even Richard Nixon in his darkest moments would have tried these tactics to remain in power. Until January 6th, 2021, I never thought an attempted overthrown would be staged by the out-going president. And to this day, there are being that believe he won a second term, and that President Biden isn't the rightful leader of the country.  And one shudders to think what might have happened had Trump's troops accomplished their goal. Some damage has already been inflicted, as some may feel inspired by Trump that they'd use any means to maintain their power and subvert the will of the people. Then again, Trump himself told us he'd do this exact thing. In the last debate with Hillary, Chris Wallace asked Trump if he would sue if he didn't like the outcome of the election, even if he delayed the transfer of power by doing so. Trump flashed a coy smile and without directly saying so, alluded that he'd do just that. 

So, we shouldn't be shocked at what happened on January 6th, 2021. Trump as much told us he'd done anything to obtain power and to remain in power. I'm not sure what is going to happen on January 6th, 2022. I wouldn't be shocked to see Trump issue one of his press releases, praising the day.  I don't think we'll see another siege tomorrow. But what ever flame remains, Trump will gleefully try to spark again. 

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